Auto Services

Cars – $250.00
Standard SUVs – $275.00
XL SUVs and Trucks $300 ( extended cab Trucks and SUVs with 3rd rows) – $300
- Handwash
- Clean wheels & rims
- Clean door jams
- Tire dressing
- CLAY BAR (Remove tree sap, tar, road paint)
- POLISH (inside/out BUFF to remove fine scratches, swirls,& oxidation)
- Machine wax
- Vacuum seats & floor
- Clean windows
- Clean interior trim (dash, doors and console)
- Air freshener
- Treat & Condition leather
- Shampoo Carpet
- Clean Door panels
- Clean Headliner
- Clean Vents
- Deep Clean Seats
- Clean Rubber & Vinyl
* Additional charge for vehicles with pet hair.
* Decal removal priced by job.

Royal Full Service Detail
Cars – $175.00
SUV – $200.00
XL SUV and Trucks ( extended cab Trucks and SUVs with 3rd rows) – $250.00
- Handwash
- Clean wheels & rims
- Clean door jams
- Tire dressing
- Hand Wax
- Machine wax
- Vacuum seats & floor
- Clean windows
- Clean interior trim (dash, doors and console)
- Air freshener
- Treat & Condition leather
- Shampoo Carpet
- Clean Headliner
- Clean Vents
- Deep Clean Seats
- Clean Rubber & Vinyl
- Clean Door panels
* Additional charge for vehicles with pet hair.
* Decal removal priced by job.

Royal Full Service Wash & Polish
Standard Car Sedan/Coupe – $125.00
SUV/Dual Cab Trucks – $175.00
XL SUVs or Trucks/Mini Vans/Hummers/Yukons/Dulley – $200.00
- Handwash
- Clean wheels & rims
- Clean door jams
- Tire dressing
- POLISH (inside/out BUFF to remove fine scratches, swirls,& oxidation)
- Vacuum seats & floor
- Clean windows
- Clean interior trim (dash, doors and console)
- Air freshener
* Additional charge for vehicles with pet hair.
* Decal removal priced by job.

Royal Full Service Wash
Car – $50.00
SUV – $60.00
XL SUV – $75.00
- Handwash
- Clean wheels & rims
- Clean door jams
- Tire dressing
- Vacuum seats & floor
- Clean windows
- Clean interior trim (dash, doors and console)
- Air freshener
* Additional charge for vehicles with pet hair.
* Decal removal priced by job.
Fleet Service
Kings of Car Care can handle all of your fleet or commercial accounts. Your company vehicles say a lot about your company- image is everything.
We can customize any fleet/commercial package to meet all of your needs. Our services can be performed 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. Whether you have a company with a few vehicles or one with hundreds, we can handle the job. Our fleet accounts can be set up on any revolving schedule – daily, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, quarterly. You can customize our services in any form you would like. Give us a call today (704) 667-2955.